Look at Syllogism and Hypothetical Syllogism from Anti-Syllogism 从反三段论看三段论及假言推理
The article apply anti-syllogism to research in syllogism and hypothetical syllogism, it proves equivalence relation of correct form and rule varied cases of syllogism, and puts forwad a new method restituting elliptical expression of syllogism and distinguishing hypothetical syllogism. 本文将演绎推理的反三段论形式运用于三段论、省略三段论和假言推理的研究,论证了三段论各格正确式及规则的等值性,提出了恢复省略三段论和判别假言推理是否正确的一种新方法。
To approximate reasoning on IFL, mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations on generalized modus ponens, modus tollens, and hypothetical syllogism are derived. 针对直觉模糊近似推理,给出了推广的取式推理、拒式推理及假言推理等的合成运算公式。
Theophrastus, departing from Aristotle's categorical syllogism, has contributed hypothetical and selective syllogism to the logic of mankind. Yet his creative theory has always been wrongly regarded as propositional logic. 德奥弗拉斯特跳出亚里士多德直言三段论又为人类逻辑贡献了假言、选言三段论,其创造性学说一直被错误地视为命题逻辑。